Business Interruption
Protect your business from a loss of income should it suffer after a disaster.
This form of insurance is designed and intended to mitigate losses to a company’s trading position, allowing you to get back on track as quickly as possible.
Business Interruption Insurance can vary and is dependent on the type of trade and specific financial trading aspects. Typically, the insurance can be arranged to provide protection for the following, whichever is the most appropriate:
Loss of Gross Profit
Loss of Gross Revenue
Additional Cost of Working Expenses
As well as arranging the most appropriate insurance, we recommend specific policy extensions that should be considered, such as:
Loss following damage to Public Utilities (gas, electricity, water etc)
Loss following damage at Customers or Suppliers premises
Loss following Denial of Access to your business premises
Loss due to Act of Terrorism or threat thereof
When arranging your policy, it is critical that consideration is given to assessing how long recovery in trading would take to ensure a suitable indemnity period is selected. We would expect to be closely involved in such considerations and assist in the decision making process.
We will provide professional advice and recommendations on the structuring of suitable Business Interruption insurance that is completely suited to your business’ specific needs.

We have been awarded the prestigious title of Chartered Insurance Brokers by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).

Membership to WTW Networks enables us to offer a compelling proposition for the benefit of our clients.

Maintaining our reputation since 1911, we pride ourselves on delivering professionalism, transparency and integrity.